and loved well good wines) answeared: nay rather lette
him live, and burie the Corps of this poore wretche
in some hole of the earth, and therewithall she turned
the head of Socrates on the other side, and thrust her
swoorde up to the hiltes into the lefte parte of his
necke, and receaved the bloud that gushed out, with
a potte, that no droppe thereof fell beside, which
thinges I sawe with mine owne eies, and (as I thinke)
to the intent she might alter nothinge that pertained
to sacrifice, whiche she accustomed to make, she
thrust her hande downe into the entrailles of his
bodie, and (searchinge aboute) at length brought
foorth the harte of my miserable compaignion Socrates,
who (havinge his throte cut in such sorte) yeelded
out a dolefull crie, and gave up the ghoste. Then
Panthia stopped the wide wounde of his throate with
the sponge, and said: 0 Sponge spronge and made
of the sea, beware that thou passe not by the runninge
river. This being saide, the one of them moved and
turned up my bedde, and then they stridde over me,
and clapped their buttockes upon my face, and all
bepissed me, till I was wringing wet: when this was
ended, they went their waies, and the doores closed
fast, the postes stoode in their olde places, and the
lockes and boltes were shut againe. But I, that laye
upon the grounde, like one without soule, naked and
colde, and wringinge wette with pisse, like to one
that weare more then halfe dead, yet revivinge my
selfe, and apointed as I thinke for the gallowes, began
to say: Alas what shall become of me to morrow,
when my compaignion shalbe founde murdred here
in the chamber? To whom shall I seeme to tell any
similitude of truth, when as I shall tell the truth in
deede ? They will say if thou wearest unable to
resist the violence of the wemen, yet shouldest thou
have cried for helpe, wilt thou suffer the man to be

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