I would faine eate somewhat to strengthen and
revive my spirites: then said I, beholde here is thy
breakefast, and therewithall I opened my skrippe,
that hanged upon my shoulder, and gave him bread
and cheese, and we satte downe under a great plane
tree and I eate parte with him: And while I behelde
him eatinge greedely, I perceaved that he waxed
meigre and pale, and that his lively colour vaded
away, in so much that (beinge in great feare and
remembringe those terrible furies of whome I lately
dreamed) the firste morsell of bread that I put in my
mouth (whiche was but very small) did so sticke in
my jawes that I could nether swallowe it downe nor
yet yelde it up, and moreover the small time of our
beinge together encreased my feare, and what is he,
that seinge his compaignion die in the high waie
before his face, will not greatly lament and be sorie:
but when that Socrates had eaten sufficiently he
waxed very thirstie, for in deede he had welnie
devoured all a whole cheese, and beholde evill for-
tune, there was behinde the plane tree a pleasant
runninge water as cleere as Cristall, and I said unto
him: come hither Socrates to this water and drinke
thy fil. And then he rose and came to the river, and
kneeled downe upon the side of the banke to drinke,
but he had skase touched the water with his lippes,
when as behold, the wounde of his throate opened
wide, and the sponge sodenly fell into the water and
after issued out a litle remnant of bloud, and his
bodie (beinge then without life) had fallen into the
river, had not I caught him by the legge, and so
pulled him up. And after that I had lamented a
good space the death of my wretched compaignion, I
buried him in the sandes there by the river. Which
done, in great feare I rode through many outwaies
and deserte places, and as culpable of the death of

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